jeiran heydari

Artist Name : Jeiran Heydari

Age : 32 Years

Biography Artist

Jeiran Heydari, born in 1371, graduated from the master’s degree in architecture from South Tehran University and holds a specialized degree in interior design. During his years of activity, by mastering architectural design software, graphics and energy analysis, he has gained extensive experience in various fields of designing and implementing architectural projects.

One of his main interests is the creation of digital works, which he has been seriously working on since 2017, and then, since 2019, he has turned to designing pixel artworks, and by using modern digital techniques and tools, he has created graphic images of monuments. He created outstanding architecture that shows his creativity and technical knowledge in innovative formats.

In the field of digital design, his main goal is to create images that, in addition to visual beauty, accurately display architectural details and features. In other words, by using advanced techniques and accurate analysis, it tries to bring a unique and impressive experience to the viewers and turn each work into a lasting manifestation of art and knowledge.

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