Art Yar platform

If Art is your passion or profession

Be sure You have come to the right place

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NFT Artworks

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Gift Cards

Unique art gift

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Are You Architects ?

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Are You Organization ?

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Are You Artist ?

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Are You Gallery ?


Official Gift
آرت یار پلتفرم هنری برای فروش آثار هنری

Wed , January 31 , 2024

آرت یار پلتفرم هنری برای فروش آثار هنری

Content Team

corporate gift
آرت یار پلتفرم هنری برای فروش آثار هنری

Mon , January 1 , 2024

آرت یار پلتفرم هنری برای فروش آثار هنری

Content Team

pricing artworks
آرت یار پلتفرم هنری برای فروش آثار هنری

Thu , December 28 , 2023

آرت یار پلتفرم هنری برای فروش آثار هنری

Content Team

buying and selling works of art
آرت یار پلتفرم هنری برای فروش آثار هنری

Thu , December 28 , 2023

آرت یار پلتفرم هنری برای فروش آثار هنری

Content Team

Astrup Fearnley Museet | Oslo

The National Museum of Ukraine

Pierre Savorgnan de Brazza memorial

About artyar


ARTYAR is an online platform that tries to strengthen the place of art in the lifestyle of the general public and help make life meaningful and improve its quality through art and beauty.

ARTYAR believes that art can play a role as a communication model between people in any position and tries to minimize the distance between art and the life of the general public by making maximum use of the capabilities of art.

ARTYAR is continuously designing, growing and developing in order to reach a capital-creating platform, so that it can play a role in the direction of economic stability and sustainable economy and be effective in creating a sustainable legacy.

ARTYAR seeks to identify, introduce and present the works of artists who have excellent artistic qualities and can be lasting. It is our honor to be with us to build this infinity platform.

Companions of Art Yar

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